"Life on Mars" Cancelled

8:38 PM / Posted by Unknown /

It's hard for me to come up with a pithy, witty headline for a story about Life on Mars getting the axe. Life on Mars was my favorite new show of the season and one of the few shows I made time for every week.

The news came down Monday night from Variety. Life on Mars can be added to the long line of British shows that didn't make the switch across the pond. Keep in mind that for every Office, there's a Coupling and countless other shows that were adapted for US audiences and didn't find an audience.

The best news to come out of this garbage dump of a situation (to borrow a phrase from Brenda from Juno) is that Life on Mars will get an ending and the mystery of Sam Tyler and why he has been transported to 1973 will be revealed.

This came as really sad news for me. I feel like shows that have the writing, plots and charismatic actors like Life on Mars aren't around much anymore. Sure, it might have been hackneyed at times, but melodrama is part of all of the top TV dramas on right now. Life on Mars delved into a lot of existential thought and reminded me, at its best moments, of the Watchmen graphic novel, where it is really a philosophical discussion between characters. I hope that everyone involved with the show can find something of a similar caliber to work on next.

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Anonymous on March 3, 2009 at 9:34 PM

I'm not too surprised.

Anonymous on March 5, 2009 at 3:50 PM

I watched 3 minutes of this show every week, if only because I make my DVR record a few minutes after LOST is supposed to end. I'll miss those moments with Life On Mars where I have no idea what's going on besides music, mustaches and crime scenes.

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