'X-Men Origins: Wolverine' Leaks on the Interwebs

10:21 AM / Posted by Bradford Oman /

Someone at 20th Century Fox is going to be fired. Late last night, Twitter and the IMDB forums were alive with chatter as a DVD quality workprint of X-Men Origins: Wolverine found its way online.

In no way is this an April Fool's joke, but it's serious business. Several other sites have verified its legit, and I took a glance at it myself at a couple minutes at different points in the movie, and it's certainly a working edit of the film.

But what a lot of people are pointing out, and this is something I agree with to a certain extent, that this won't exactly be the film we'll see on May 1st. Apparently this cut does not include any of the new footage that director Gavin Hood and the cast shot when there were worrying re-shoots in Vancouver months ago. Also along this note, the print also has unfinished effects including completely unfinished CG models of characters, green screen work and more.

We're not going to link to where you can find this leak or anything like that. If you really, REALLY want to find it, then I'm sure you will. But let me just say, that if you're looking to enjoy the movie, just hold off and in exactly one month, you'll get to see it on the big screen. It's not like you don't know what's going to happen anyway. Wolverine will get his claws out menacingly, be sarcastic, cut some stuff, blow some things up, and then Ryan Reynolds will make another joke. Game over.

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Anonymous on April 2, 2009 at 1:29 PM

i'll just wait for the release. i don't want to watch some half finished piece of shit just because it's free.

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