You know, there's so many crazy schemes by super villains to bring out the end of the world, or take down their arch nemesis that no one ever stops to think of the financial burden of being one of the most evil geniuses in the world. Lex Luthor feels this pain, and apparently so does his wallet. In this Funny or Die exclusive, Jon Hamm (from AMC's Mad Men) steps into the role of Superman's arch nemesis to ask the government for a corporate bailout. It's really great to see Hamm doing stuff like this as well as his still going character arc on 30 Rock. While I can't help but think how funny this would've been with Gene Hackman or even Kevin Spacey, it's really great seeing Hamm get worked up while wearing an offputting bald cap.
Disney and Pixar have finally given us a trailer that provides us with an idea of the adventures to be had by Carl Fredricksen and Russell in this summer's Up. While the previous trailers have done a lot of set up of our two main characters and the house carrying-balloon vessel, this one introduces us to many of the dangers and sights to be seen, as well as a villain and a very entertaining dog.
In their adventures, Carl and Russell encounter exotic birds, some villainous old man in a huge blimp and finally...Dug the Doug. Dug is the first talking animal to interact with humans in any of Pixar's films thus far. Remy from Ratatouille only squeaked and gestured, the bugs from A Bug's Life never talked to people, and the monsters from Monsters, Inc. don't count simply because they are invented creatures. However, Dug doesn't talk in the way other Disney animals talk. His master invented some sort of collar that turns his thoughts into auditory communication. Dug is going to be a really fun addition to the crew, and once again Pixar is blowing all other animated features out of the water with their original stories, carefully crafted characters and remarkable animation.
The really disturbing thing about Dug the Dog though is the potential world people would live in if their dogs were able to communicate like humans. There would be weird sex happening for sure and I really hope Disney/Pixar tackles this sensitive issue. Wow, that's awkward. What do you guys think of Dug the Dog?
New 'Star Trek' Trailer Beams Me Up (Not Like That)
Last week, nearly everyone who caught Watchmen (which I have a review of coming up soon), was treated to a new trailer for J.J. Abrams franchise reboot of Star Trek. If the movie is anywhere near as good as the trailers are making it out to be, Star Trek will no longer be liked by the lonely and obsessed Tribble-loving fanboy and fangirl Trekkies. If this film hits as hard as it looks like it's going to, Star Trek will be mainstream cool.
Nearly everything Abrams has touched (Lost, Mission:Impossible 3, Cloverfield) has turned to solid gold success. There's no doubt in my mind that he's the next Spielberg. He's handling Star Trek with the love of a geek, but he's not isolating it from those who aren't familiar with the series. The cast is young, and even though he looks a bit too young, the more I see of Chris Pine as James T. Kirk, the more bad ass he seems. Zacahry Quinto (Heroes' only interesting character Sylar) already had my support for Spock, but I still want to see some more of Simon Pegg as Scotty. Within this trailer we get some great new action shots, and new footage of Eric Bana as alien villain Nero, and even House M.D.'s Jennifer Morrison as Kirk's mother.
I'm definitely pumped for Star Trek, but it's going to take some getting used to that Star Trek might be cool enough to get you laid by a girl who isn't dressed up as some sort of Vulcan dominatrix...or for that matter, any girl...period. Do you want to see Star Trek?
New 'Harry Potter' Trailer Punches You in the Face
If Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is going to be half as good as the trailers have been letting on, then I may actually be able to forgive Warner Bros. for delaying it from last November to this July.
The trailer (released last week) lets us in on more of the story (though there are few who haven't read the Harry Potter series, there's no telling how story elements may change in the adaptations). The guiding light through this film is the past. And unless a memory from Hogwarts headmaster Albus Dumbledore reveals, the future may be doomed. This memory revolves around the mysterious boy Tom Riddle, who became the much feared Lord Voldemort. There are some really great visuals here, and the tone of this trailer loses any humor from the previous previews.
It's been great seeing this series devlopment from simple magic and whimsy to dark, ominous fantasy. Hearing Harry yell, "Fight back, you coward!" is a great moment, especially if you know who he's yelling at. The coolest addition to this film, and an element not found to be extremely prominent in the book is the scene in London, where Death Eaters are attacking Muggles. J.K. Rowling approved this modification to the story by screenwriter Steve Kloves to make the danger to Muggles, and the revelation of the wizarding world seem more immediate and threatening. It certainly will add a level of realism to the series, which up to this point has pretty much existed in its own world, with little reference to the non-magical world surrounding it. I can't wait to see it realized on screen. What do you guys think of the trailer?