Dakota Fanning has always shown talent way ahead of her years. She's only just turned 15 years old, and she's already worked with the likes of Steven Spielberg, Sean Penn, Denzel Washington and Tom Cruise, had a controversial film at Sundance last year, voiced the titular character of Coraline, and even did a little stint on Family Guy.
Now comes word from Variety that the teen star is in negotiations to play lead singer Cherie Currie in The Runaways, a biopic about the all-girl rock band from the 70's of the same name. Twilight star Kristen Stewart is already in line to play Joan Jett and this will be the second film Fanning and Stewart work on together after they complete the Twilight sequel, New Moon. The real life Currie joined the band around the same age fanning is now, and found herself engulfed in the rock star life, succumbing to drugs and alcohol.
Now that's she's getting older, she's taking even more dark, gritty and dramatic roles and after her role in I Am Sam at age 7, I'm just not sure she ever had a childhood. I'm constantly reminded of the sketch Amy Poehler starred in on Saturday Night Live, The Dakota Fanning Show where she had varying guests on and was constantly baffling and worrying them with her intellectually advanced observations on society, art and the like. Hopefully she doesn't go the Macaulay Culkin route and start fighting bears. Macaulay Culkin did that right?
Just like Captain Planet used to say, "The power is yours!" Film news blog /Film says that Fox Searchlight has asked their readers to take part in deciding which poster will be distributed to market their film 500 Days of Summer (which we premiered the newest trailer for yesterday). But it's not like you have to log into a special website or anything, so as far as I'm concerned Fox Searchlight also asked me, readers of The Screen Rider and everyone else on the Internet to vote for which poster they'd like to see make the cut. My personal favorites are the two with all the little Polaroid pictures of Zooey Deschanel, mainly because I could look at that many pictures of her and never get bored, but also because it looks like there could actually be 500 pictures of her as her character Summer in those posters. If you want to vote, just head on over to Fox Searchlight's voting page, and make your decision. If you're Republican, I'm sorry but there isn't any vote you can make that will ruin the fibers of humanity, but better luck next year! POLITICS WHOA!!
20th Century Fox released what is apparently the final trailer for X-Men Origins: Wolverine in what might possible be the worst decision to market a big blockbuster such as this. The trailer debuted late last night over at USA Today with some new character pictures to accompany it. The video is pitifully small when embedded, and the full screen just makes the video look even worse. Luckily our friends over at Trailer Addict were able to snag it as well for us to enjoy in a bigger format.
While it's not perfect, this is the best trailer yet. Count me slightly anxious for this to be released but proceeding with caution. More footage of Gambit is always a plus, and a look at what appears to be a young Scott Summers (aka Cyclops) just discovering his optic blast capabilities. I'm still a huge critic of the Michael Bay level of explosions though. It borders on parody.
And I have a very weird bone to pick with some of the sound effects/design in this trailer (which I really hope are't the final effects to be used in the film). This is a strange nitpick, but it's only because I saw the movie I'm going to reference so many times as a kid that this just entered my mind. The sounds that are used when Gambit hits his staff into the ground and various other structures with kinetic energy is EXACTLY the same sound that the huge water splashes made when the sprinkler turns on in Honey, I Shrunk the Kids. If you want to compare them, the clip for the sprinkler scene can be found here (the action starts at about 1:12 into the clip).
There's also just a lot of shots and action just taken directly from other films. The cut of Wolverine dragging his claws along that Hummer, causing it to flip over is just like the scene in The Matrix Reloaded when Morpheus slices his sword into the Twins Escalade (go to 4:31 in the clip). And the later shot of Wolverine landing on top of the helicopter is very reminiscent of an equally ridiculous scene in Live Free or Die Hard with John McClane jumping onto a jet. Granted this is a comic book movie, but this is a bit overkill in my estimate. It just feels like they're trying to hard.
X-Men Origins: Wolverine hits theaters on May 1st, and I pray that people don't think Wolverine is gay after Hugh Jackman's Oscar hosting last month. We already have a gay mutant and his name is Perez Hilton. What do you guys think of the new trailer?
Alright, new segment time! Also *spoiler alert* don't read if you haven't seen the latest episode of Lost. If you can't tell by the title this one is going to be skewed at those television shows that always seem to leave you wanting more, or in most cases going WTF! So I've decided to start off with Lost because it's the best show on television that leaves me with that feeling. I'm also thinking of doing Heroes. But let's move on.
So time travel huh? Really? Well if my numerous viewings of Back to the Future (Parts I, II, and III) have taught me anything (how did Locke hit 88 mph anyway?) it's that time travel is a fickle mistress. Look at Part 2, alternate time line anyone? That's right if you travel in time you could come back to the 1980s and live in a casino. I don't know about you but Marty looked a gift horse in the mouth on that one. But let's not talk about my so called addictions but focus on the WTF of Lost.
So we finally caught back up with the gang that John left behind (Sawyer, Juliette, and the two weird guys that were introduced last season, and what's up with the talking to dead people thing? I think someone at Lost saw The Sixth Sense and decided "What the hell? We've already got a smoke monster and other shady dealings might as well.") So back to Lost, we catch up only to find out that surprise, it's been three years for them as well now. So the dead/undead guy is the only one that didn't lose three years, that's probably why he had to die, some kinda cosmic balance thing. No three years then you're going back in a coffin... at least he had nice shoes. So Sawyer sweet talked his way into the Dharma Initiative, which I'm actually looking forward to seeing more of (enigmatic bastards!) and surprise, surprise bedroom eyes landed the other hot chick on the island and fellow time traveler, the lovely Juliette. But the question is posed "Is three years really long enough to not love someone?" I'm going to go out on a limb here and say he and Miss I-lost-a-three-year-old-boy-and-no-one-has-seemed-to-notice-yet are doing the horizontal tango in the next three episodes. Also Ben gets eaten by a polar bear. Calling it!
Go ahead make your own predictions, it doesn't matter anyway. Come the end of Lost it's all going to be a dream of Locke's, and Kate will still be alive just in the shower... oh wait that was Dallas...
If you have any suggestions of shows to add post them.
If you weren't excited about Public Enemies, you damn well better be now. The first trailer for this Johnny Depp/Christian Bale face-off just hit the net, and it's really quite remarkable that a period, action thriller can feel just like a summer blockbuster should.
The film looks fast paced, Untouchables-esque, and superbly fun. However, my only complaint is that Michael Mann's shooting style takes me out of the time period a bit. It makes what's happening on the screen feel modern for some reason. Not only are his handheld, intimate camera angles a bit too contemporary, but the HD digital video look also heightens this feeling. But fortunately it doesn't play against the quality look of the movie itself.
This is going to be a breath of fresh air in the summer blockbuster bonanza with fighting robots and superheroes, and the trailer embedded below gets me extremely excited. I gotta say though, this trailer has a bone to pick with my current and home state of Indiana. I mean was it really necessary for Johnny Depp's John Dillinger to say, ""I have absolutely nothing I want to do in Indiana." Go ahead and rub it in Edward Scissorhands!
The title of Kevin Smith's recently announced project is the focus of a bit of nonsensical controversy similar to that of the experience his last film, Zack and Miri Make a Porno had on its journey to DVD shelves.
When Variety announced Kevin Smith's involvement in the film title A Couple of Dicks with Bruce Willis and Tracy Morgan set to star, they included a bit of disconcerting information. Apparently the hailed script is now being titled A Couple of Cops getting rid of any hilarity that comes from the title.
This censorship and pandering to over sensitive conservatives is, dare I say, complete bullshit. Including the phrase "Make a Porno" on a DVD is absolutely going to ruin children's lives and turn them into nothing but unwholesome little heathens. And now this clever double entendre which is merely a reference to a word that meant detective in a time much more conservative than now will never be used.
It just pains me to see such ludicrous precautions taken with creative properties that might hurt the oh so fragile eyes, ears and thoughts of our apparently innocent children who certainly don't have the ability to see far more offensive content right here on the Internet. Why didn't they call Sex and the City: The Movie by the less vulgar nomenclature Intercourse and the City or Be Careful Because These Women Are Gross? Bullshit.
UPDATE: On the View Askiewniverse message boards Kevin Smith acknowledged that A Couple of Cops is only a temporary title. Still...the title was great to begin with.
Casting news abound for this installment of Cinema Bits:
The Sorcerer's Apprentice - Alfred Molina (Spider-Man 2)has been added to the cast of this upcoming Disney film in the role of the villainous magician Horvath, The Hollywood Reporter announced. The film is based around the iconic animated segment of the same name from Disney's Fantasia (which seriously needs to be re-released on DVD and Blu-Ray). Molina joins Nicolas Cage and Jay Baruchel in this film helmed by National Treasure director Jon Turteltaub. The story centers on an average college student (Baruchel) who is reluctantly recruited to work for a sorcerer named Balthazar Blake (Cage). The man gives him a crash course in the art and science of magic to prepare him for a battle against the forces of darkness in modern Manhattan. This is perfect since Nic Cage probably thinks he is a wizard in real life anyway.
Inception - Leonardo DiCaprio has signed on to take part in The Dark Knight director Christopher Nolan's next project (according to Variety). Film is supposed to start production later this year and though the script has been kept under tight wraps, Warner Bros. has described the film as a "contemporary sci-fi actioner set within the architecture of the mind." That's about as helpful as saying it's "a film with a story told through various shots, dialogue and with the help of actors." And I'm sure fanboys are still crying that Nolan isn't jumping to direct a follow-up to The Dark Knight. Are they that eager to miss out on another Best Picture nomination? ZING!
Megan Fox casting - The Hollywood Reporter got the news that Transformers vixen Megan Fox has signed on to take part in two different comic book property films. The first is called Fathom which has Fox playing "a young woman named Aspen who learns she is a member of a race of aquatic humanoids who possess the ability to control water." And if you check out this illustration, she's definitely got the goods for this part. The second project is the already announced adaptation of Jonah Hex, in which she will star alongside Josh Brolin and John Malkovich. She will be portraying Leila, "a gun-wielding beauty and love interest of Hex (Brolin), a scarred bounty hunter tracking a voodoo practitioner (Malkovich) who wants to raise an army of undead to liberate the South." Megan Fox could get a role playing a refrigerator in an ALF movie and I'd definitely go see it, so these sound great.
Sucker Punch - With Watchmen hitting theaters in a couple days, Entertainment Weekly says director Zack Snyder has already gathered up his cast for this action fantasy film. Offers have gone out to Amanda Seyfried (Mamma Mia) for the lead role of Baby Doll, as well as supporting roles for Vanessa Hudgens, Abbie Cornish, Evan Rachel Wood, and Emma Stone. Story is set in the 1950s, and follows a girl who is confined to a mental institution by her stepfather, who intends to have her lobotomized in five days. While there, she imagines an alternative reality to hide her from the pain, and in that world, she begins planning her escape, needing to steal five objects to help get her out before she is deflowered by a vile man. We can also guarantee that there will be unnecessary slow motion.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel absolutely shine in the new trailer for the much buzzed Sundance hit 500 Days of Summer. The trailer further confirms my suspicions that this will be the next Garden State as far as an indie film getting some mainstream love. If Gordon-Levitt and Deschanel stay on top of their game, they will both be a couple of the best actors of our generation.
If you're unfamilar with 500 Days of Summer we ran the first trailer for it back in January right here and included it on our list of Sundance movies to look forward to. Here's the official plot synopsis just to refresh your memory: Boy meets girl. Boy falls in love. Girl doesn't. This post modern love story is never what we expect it to be -- it's thorny yet exhilarating, funny and sad, a twisted journey of highs and lows that doesn't quite go where we think it will. When Tom, a hapless greeting card copywriter and hopeless romantic, is blindsided after his girlfriend Summer dumps him, he shifts back and forth through various periods of their 500 days "together" to try to figure out where things went wrong. His reflections ultimately lead him to finally rediscover his true passions in life."
The film is said to have a hellacious soundtrack (just like Garden State) and does contain some musical-type numbers (rightly so considering much of the experience listed under director Marc Webb's short filmography on IMDB is in music videos). I'm really looking forward to seeing this when it sees wider release this summer, on July 17. Hopefully Marc Webb won't go the way of Zach Braff and direct one awesome feature (Garden State) and then simply go back to playing his character on Scrubs. Of course that should be easy since Marc Webb has never been on or even involved with Scrubs. But still...don't screw this up Webb! What do you guys think of the trailer?
Bruce Branit is a digital visual effects artist, and while you may not know his name, you've certainly seen his work on shows like Pushing Daisies and Lost (including the infamous smoke monster pictured right), and films like Peter Jackson's King Kong, Sin City and Titanic.
Now Bruce has went ahead and created (writing, directing, producing, editing and of crouse visual effects) his own short film that he points out on his Vimeo page, "was shot in a single day followed by about 2 years of post production." And the long post-production certainly shows in World Builder which we've embedded below. Branit himself describes the film in one brief sentence, "A strange man builds a world using holographic tools for the woman he loves."
The visual effects are stunning containing realistic textures and remarkable motion tracked graphics. While the visual effects are certainly the focus, the short narrative itself is pretty wonderful too. After watching World Builder, you should also take a look at his demo reel that contains much of the impressive effects work he did on the aforementioned shows and films. Personally, I was surprised to see that the plane Locke and Boone discover from the first season of Lost was a digital creation. I figured it was a lightweight set piece made to hang in the trees rather than a real plane, so well done Mr. Branit.
The list of TV shows that I have to make time for every week is relatively small, for the amount of shows that I love. One of the shows that I make time for and see every week is Chuck, the geek-centered spy comedy. While Chuck is really good as a stand-alone show from week-to-week, it really shines in a couple of longer-term areas, mainly the battle Chuck Bartowski goes through every week of whether or not he wants to be a spy and how he must deal Sarah, his "handler" whom he loves.
Well, in an age where no TV show is safe and you don't know if your favorite show is going to get a true ending, there is hope.
This week, from Wonder Con in San Francisco, creator Josh Schwartz (he of Gossip Girl fame) told the press that the finale to Chuck's second season would be "a game-changer" and would be a jumping off point for a new season. He went on to say that it is the ending they've had in mind since the show began.
This news made me pretty darn happy, considering that Chuck taps into my geekiness, my dopey romantic and my comedy sides. Like I said in my article about Life on Mars' cancellation, good writing is a rare commodity on TV and should be cherished.
Schwartz went on to talk about Chuck's chances for a third season, which he's optimistic about, saying that NBC has been supportive of the show from a creative standpoint. While I love to hear this news, it makes me wonder what if ABC managed their network the same way?
It's hard for me to come up with a pithy, witty headline for a story about Life on Mars getting the axe. Life on Mars was my favorite new show of the season and one of the few shows I made time for every week.
The news came down Monday night from Variety. Life on Mars can be added to the long line of British shows that didn't make the switch across the pond. Keep in mind that for every Office, there's a Coupling and countless other shows that were adapted for US audiences and didn't find an audience.
The best news to come out of this garbage dump of a situation (to borrow a phrase from Brenda from Juno) is that Life on Mars will get an ending and the mystery of Sam Tyler and why he has been transported to 1973 will be revealed.
This came as really sad news for me. I feel like shows that have the writing, plots and charismatic actors like Life on Mars aren't around much anymore. Sure, it might have been hackneyed at times, but melodrama is part of all of the top TV dramas on right now. Life on Mars delved into a lot of existential thought and reminded me, at its best moments, of the Watchmen graphic novel, where it is really a philosophical discussion between characters. I hope that everyone involved with the show can find something of a similar caliber to work on next.
Last week a trio of remakes or whatever the hell we're calling them nowadays were announced or received some key updates in production. First of all, yes that picture to the right is from the 90's Saturday morning computer animated Canadian show ReBoot and while it has nothing to do with this update, whenever I hear the annoying industry buzz word "reboot" when referring to a remake I can't help but think of this show from my childhood. Moving on...
First off is a remake from some of our childhoods, but not really mine. The Neverending Story is being eyed by Warner Bros. and some other key production companies for an update. Hollywood Reporter says, "The Kennedy/Marshall Co. (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button) and Leonard DiCaprio's shingle Appian Way are in discussions with Warners about reviving the 25-year-old franchise with a modern spin." While this isn't one of my nostalgic films, I did have a chance to watch it a couple years ago, and I gotta say, even for a kids movie, it's pretty awful. Wolfgang Petersen (the same man who brought us President Han Solo, I mean, Air Force One, directed it back in 1984 (the title actually being Die Unendliche Geschichte and it really does feel like an 80's German movie.
Next up is another modern spin, but this time on a 90's sci-fi, some might say, classic. According to Hollywood Reporter Paul Verhoeven's Arnold Schwarzeneggar vehicle, Total Recall is set for a contemporary update. Even if this film hadn't already been made, it probably would have inevitably been put into production since properties based off author Phillip K. Dick's short stories seem to be pretty hot (such adaptations include Minority Report, Paycheck, Next, A Scanner Darkly and Blade Runner. The original story (called We Can Remember It for You Wholesale) "follows a man haunted by a recurring dream of journeying to Mars who buys a literal dream vacation from a company called Rekall Inc., which sells implanted memories. The man comes to believe he is a secret agent and ends up on a Martian colony, where he fights to overthrow a despotic ruler controlling the production of air."
And finally, this last bit of news is simply an update on an already announced project. British comedian Russell Brand (Forgetting Sarah Marshall) has been set to star in a remake of the classic Dudley Moore comedy Arthur for about 3 months now, and last week Variety got the scoop of a screenwriter finally getting attached to the project. Peter Baynham (who worked on Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan and this year's upcoming Bruno with Sacha Baron Cohen) Arthur is about a boozy playboy whose plan to marry into a wealthy family goes awry when he falls in love with a working class gal.
Frankly the only one of these that I'm interested in is the Arthur remake, because Russell Brand is an absolute comedic gem. Otherwise I'm getting sick and tired of all these remakes coming out of Hollywood. Let's get some original ideas and stop recycling old ones. Sure it might be fun to see a story played out with all the technology we have available to us to truly visualize what we might not have been capable of decades ago, but I'm sick of this sort of Hollywood factory assembly line cranking out the same stuff year after year. What do you guys think?
Here's the first poster for this summer's action thriller Public Enemies. From IMDB, "acclaimed filmmaker Michael Mann directs Johnny Depp, Christian Bale and Marion Cotillard in the incredible and true story of legendary Depression-era bank robber John Dillinger (Depp), the charismatic bank robber whose lightning raids made him the number one target of J. Edgar Hoovers fledgling FBI and its top agent, Melvin Purvis (Bale), and a folk hero to much of the downtrodden public. No one could stop Dillinger."
Poster has been said to be reminiscent of one of The Dark Knight poster featuring the Joker but I like to think it's a bit more reminiscent of the Dick Tracy poster seen here, but that's just because I love that poster series.
Trailer is supposed to hit sometime later this week, so as soon as it's released we'll have it up here for your viewing pleasure. Johnny Depp versus Christian Bale is an exciting prospect. Women just want to see them wrestle in creamed corn, while men just want them to kill each other so there's one less celebrity male ruining our libidos. Also I hope that no one got in front of the lights while this was in production. Are you excited for Public Enemies?
Writer/Director Kevin Smith is the reason I'm writing anything about movies, let alone anything for this website. His films were the first movies I saw that made me say, "There's more to this than a stoner comedy," or "He's saying something really profound here and packaging it in profane jokes. It's perfect!" His are the films that made me want to study film more and eventually write about it.
My history makes the news that /Film reported today (through ERC Box Office) even more exciting. Smith will apparently be directing A Couple of Dicks with Bruce Willis and Tracy Morgan in the starring roles. The film, which was part of the famous 2008 Black List of the best unmade screenplays, is about two LA cops tracking down a famous, vintage baseball card.
A Couple of Dicks marks a couple of changes in Smith's career. First, this will be his first film without the support of the Weinstein brothers, whether it be for Miramax or The Weinstein Company. The Weinsteins were the two who pulled Clerks out of Sundance obscurity and made it a cult classic and Smith a major name. Since, then, they've had a hand in every one of Smith's projects and have been as loyal to him as he has been to them. But, with the failure of Zack and Miri Make a Porno, I think Smith was looking to break some of those ties. On his podcast, SModcast, he told the story of the failure of Zack and Miri and named the lack of publicity of the movie as one of the deciding factors.
This project also marks the first time Smith will be directing something for the big screen that he didn't write himself, which was something he used to say he would never do. He directed the pilot for the CW comedy Reaper, which wasn't his script either. As an avid fan, I'm really intrigued in what he will do with a fresh voice and some new, foreign material.
A Couple of Dicks is already slated for a January 29, 2010 release.
Today saw the release of the new Terminator Salvation trailer from Yahoo! Movies and this just keeps looking better. While the first trailer highlighted much of the action and explosions, this one gives us some insight into the story that will unfold.
It's 2018 and Skynet is rounding up humans, and using their stem cells to help create more human-like cyborgs. This frightening prospect is made all the more pressing when John Connor (Christian Bale) and his team are made aware that a recently captured soldier, Marcus Wright (Sam Worthington), may not be who or even what he thinks he is. He's a Terminator. From IMDB, "Connor must decide whether Marcus has been sent from the future, or rescued from the past. As Skynet prepares its final onslaught, Connor and Marcus both embark on an odyssey that takes them into the heart of Skynet’s operations, where they uncover the terrible secret behind the possible annihilation of mankind."
This one is going to up the ante in pinning humans against the most agile looking Terminators we've seen yet. Obviously the effects change the capabilities of the iconic sliver clad cyborgs, and this is going to make for a much more intense battle. While I'm getting more excited about the film, I'm becoming internally conflicted about whether or not I'll be able to justify hating the epic fail force that is McG. Oh well, I guess if I ever really need to remember the hate, I could watch Charlie's Angels or just remember that HE CALLS HIMSELF McG!! Anyway check out the trailer below.
Here's some brief snippets of news for ya:
Twilight: Eclipse - Though the second installment of the Twilight series, New Moon, isn't anywhere near completion, that hasn't stopped Summit Entertainment from shopping around for a director for the third film in the series. Entertainment Weekly thinks that Drew Barrymore might be on the candidate list for that job. While her director debut hasn't been seen yet (Whip It! featuring Ellen page), she has done a lot of work behind the camera as a producer for her own production company Flower Films (responsible for romantic fare such as He's Just Not That Into You and Music and Lyrics). It seems like Summit is really desperate for a woman's touch on these steamy vampire flicks, so I would like to recommend Quentin Tarantino.
Friday the 13th Sequel - After an impressive box office showing a couple weeks ago, scribes Damian Shannon and Mark Swift are already working on a sequel. Hollywood Reporter's Risky Biz Blog comments, "Unlike the sophomore efforts of other franchises, the new Friday is expected to be not a sequel so much as a follow-up, those familiar with the project say. Jason Voorhees will be the villain, of course, but the new picture is expected to use elements of the original franchise more as a jumping-off point than as a template." I really don't understand how a follow-up is any different than a sequel. They could call it a frazzle snazzle and it still wouldn't make it any different than the inevitable sequels of any horror franchise. But I enjoyed this re-boot, so bring it on!
Richard Pryor Biopic - Entertainment Weekly reports that writer/director Bill Condon (Dreamgirls) is shopping around his script around the late iconic comedian, Richard Pryor: Is It Something I Said? to various studio subs and independent distributors with Eddie Murphy attached to star. While I'd love to see a movie about Richard Pryor's life I just don't know if he's the right guy for the job. Unless of course he's going to play every member of Richard Pryor's family and fart a lot.
Up in the Air - Variety updates that Jason Reitman's (Juno) forthcoming adaptation of Walter Kirn's novel of the same name has just added Jason Bateman to the cast mix. Bateman will star alongside lead George Clooney in the story of "a professional who specializes in "career transition counseling" (a euphemism for firing people) looks to accomplish his two main goals in life: to accumulate 1 million frequent flier miles, and to land a job at a mysterious management company called MythTech."
Who will win in an epic 70's musically styled bat fight between Will Ferrell and Craig Robinson? There's only one way to find out as they face off in this short from Funny or Die. Ferrell appears still in the wardrobe of his character from HBO's new series Eastbound and Down and this just makes me want to be on the set of any movie with Will Ferrell, just for the chance of appearing in a short such as this. Enjoy!
Here's another teaser poster for the upcoming summer blockbuster Terminator Salvation. Obviously just the name Terminator is a selling point for the film, so it's no surprise that the poster only mentions lead actors Christian Bale and Sam Worthington by name rather than in photo. However, Yahoo! Movies also released along with this one sheet image a banner image containing not only the above Terminator but also characters John Connor (Bale) and Marcus Wright (Worthington) that you can see here.
While there's some rumblings of concern over the films rating (McG says he's trying to get the R-rating that he and the fans want, but many feel the studio won't let it out without a PG-13 stamp from the MPAA), I'm still looking forward to see how this turns out. We'll see even more when a new trailer premieres this weekend in front of Watchmen.
The new red band trailer for the upcoming comedy Adventureland directed by Greg Mottola (Superbad) hit the nets last week, and it just confirms why it's one of the few wide release films coming out during this terrible dead time from January through April that I'm actually interested in seeing.
The trailer itself just highlights the vulgarity and raunchiness that truly makes this a fun R-Rated comedy. If you're unfamiliar with Adventureland, it's "a comedy set in the summer of 1987 and centered around a recent college grad who takes a nowhere job at his local amusement park, only to find it's the perfect course to get him prepared for the real world."
This made a good splash at Sundance, and will certainly be a breath of fresh air when it hits theaters on March 27. Check out the trailer and let us know what you think!