Hader and Apatow Take a Stab at Horror?

7:59 PM / Posted by Bradford Oman /

Ever since Bill Hader joined the cast of SNL, his star power has only gone up. He has taken his strong comedic presence to such films as Superbad, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, and Tropic Thunder.

Now it looks like Hader is taking a bold step into seemingly unfamiliar territory. Over at CHUD, Devin Faraci caught up with the SNL regular while he was promoting his current Sundance sweeping film Adventureland directed by Superbad helmer Greg Mottola, and what Hader had to say was quite interesting. He mentioned he and Saturday Night Live writer Simon Rich had written a horror movie for Judd Apatow. Whaaaaa!?!?

Now when horror and comedy best came together for my most extreme enjoyment was Edgar Wright's Shaun of the Dead. Of course the success of this film could easily be seen by anyone who had enjoyed Wright's previous British television venture Spaced which meshed great pop culture fueled comedy and some great horror/sci-fi cinematography throughout.

I'm not entirely sure how an Apatow horror/comedy would work though. I have no doubts it would be funny, but I don't know if Apatow has Wright's touch to so meticulously craft a comedy film within a completely different genre (especially a genre that in itself is parodied in the film). The closest anyone involved with Apatow inspired antics is the throwback to the buddy action movies of the 80's Pineapple Express. Here's what Hader had to say regarding the status of this potential horror comedy:

"I don't know if it's even going to get made. Judd met with us and said 'I want to do a horror movie with you. I want to see you in a slasher movie.' It's partially Straw Dogs meets Halloween meets Home Alone meets Monster Squad. It is definitely about guys nowadays, that idea that you watch fucked up shit on TV, how violence in our culture - this sounds really hoity toity - you watch fucked up reality shows, I love true crime shows. The idea of that thing coming to your house, and what do you do? I would shit my pants. That's basically what the movie is about. What if that guy decided to come to your house? What would you and your dipshit friends do about it."
Sounds interesting and very similar to Pineapple Express in its placing of these everyday guys in traumatic or extreme circumstances and following the hilarity that ensues. Apatow hasn't disappointed me yet, so let's see how this one pans out.

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