'X-Men' Animated Series Finally Hits DVD

11:07 AM / Posted by Bradford Oman /

When I was a kid, I never missed Saturday morning cartoons. Often times I was up before my parents, and eagerly awaiting Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and X-Men. I even remember back when Pizza Hut had a big X-Men promotion and you would get a VHS tape of an episode of the X-Men animated series. The one I had was Night of the Sentinels and I wore that tape out like no other.

Nostalgia for my childhood is something very close to my heart, and now I have will have the chance to go back and revisit my love of the cartoon X-Men. According to TV Shows on DVD, on April 28 Volume 1 and Volume 2 of the X-Men animated series will be coming to DVD. Each volume is a two disc set and between the two of them have 32 episodes (and these episodes apparently include the Dark Phoenix saga as well).

Coming up, I've got a look back at some of my favorite childhood shows that have yet to be released on DVD. But for now I have for your enjoyment and childhood glee, the majesty of the opening titles of X-Men the animated series. Classic.

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